"Deadhole" is maintained by Lucas Kok, its creator and lord. He is a student at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington; the city that serves as inspiration for the the town of Deadhole. He is an art major and an English minor and has already abandoned hope of finding a career involving either of these fields of study.
You can also follow Deadhole in the weekly newspaper published by Whitworth University, The Whitworthian.
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Questions? Comments? Gifts? You can contact me at lkok13@my.whitworth.edu. For the part about the gifts, send those to:
10321 N Rahland Rd
Spokane, WA 99218
Lucas would like to thank many, many people, but is only going to recognize the efforts of two:
His sister, Kelsey, for her hand in making his sense of humor what it is today and for continuing to contribute punch-lines to "Deadhole" and Annette Farrell, the former graphics editor of The Whitworthian, for presenting him with the opportunity and incentive to create "Deadhole".